Have you ever wondered what the future of haircare really looks like? We did too. When we started to develop the S+ Haircare products, our development team collaborated with researchers from the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Tartu to create hair care products that are free of harsh chemicals and would actually help you grow your hair. Salon+ decided to invest in research to bring a peptide to the market that allows to change the hair structure and colour, the styling of the hair and protecting it from environmental or chemical damage without using aggressive chemicals. We found out that it’s really possible to attach the desired active ingredients, such as dye or UV protection, to the hair surface instead of flushing them down the sink, so this is a giant ecological and sustainable leap forward in the world of hair care. In addition, these products are safer for the health of both the customer and the hairdresser.

We asked the researchers from the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Tartu to briefly give us their opinion on the direction of hair care in the future, and what studies, in collaboration with the S+ Haircare team, they are focusing on.
Future technologies in hair care
New developments in the scientific landscape allow for the improvement of existing technologies and ground-breaking solutions. The molecular biological research on the structural proteins in the hair offers ideas on how to dye, maintain and style the hair without damaging it chemically.
The future of hair care will be supporting the natural structure of the hair and protecting it from external factors and heat treatment, based on scientific information on the structure of the hair, and by creating targeted solutions based on the interactions specific to biomolecules, to get the best results. This approach will be economical for both the consumers and the environment while being scientifically based and sustainable as well.
A hair follicle is responsible for producing alpha-keratin, the most important protein in hair structure. Most hair growth-boosting products are focused on supporting the hair follicles, improving the circulation of the scalp and thereby ensuring better access to the active ingredients in the hair follicle. Here, the supply of vitamins to the scalp is also important, as vitamins are involved in the production of structural proteins and act as catalysts in the enzymes related to protein production. All S+ Haircare shampoos, conditioners and serums contain peptides that nourish the hair follicles and extend the life of the hair. No hair growth-boosting peptides have been added to the S+ Haircare Child Proof shampoo, the Bodywash or Handwash for obvious reasons.
Based on the hair structure protein, alpha-keratin, we have developed a protein which, by forming chemical bonds, attaches to the hair according to the same working principle that biomolecules have in the natural structure of the hair and the body as a whole. The result is a better hair structure and longer-lasting protection.

Stress, nutrition and the environment have a significant impact on the life cycle of the hair. The hair growth cycle is divided into three phases: the anagen phase, which lasts for 2–8 years, where the hair is actively growing, followed by the catagen, or transition phase, where the hair growth continues but gradually slows down in 2–3 months, and finally, the telogen, or resting phase, at the end of which the hair strand falls out and a new strand starts growing, repeating the cycle. Most of the issues related to hair growth are indeed caused by changes in the growth cycle, involving a shorter anagen phase, a prolonged rest period and a shrinking of the hair follicles producing proteins for the structure of the hair. Stimulating the hair from the outside helps keep it healthy and viable for longer.
Gene technology in the future of haircare
The rapid development of gene technology has allowed researchers to identify genetic loci that determine the structure of the hair follicle and thus the structural properties of the hair and the length of the growth phase.
Genetics is becoming increasingly important in personalised medicine, where the DNA material of a particular person can be used to identify the risk of diseases and prevent health problems. In the future, we may be able to use the same solution in hair care as well, by identifying certain mutations in the coding sequences for the synthesis of hair structure proteins. In the longer run, it might even be possible to correct such mutations by improving the DNA. Until then, we can support the hair from the outside by using the cutting-edge technologies available to us today.
The collaboration with the researchers of the university of Tartu
The haircare line, developed and created by Salon + in collaboration with researchers from the University of Tartu in Estonia, is science-based and efficient and focused mainly on the challenges related to hair. All S+ Haircare products contain important active ingredients that help protect the hair and scalp from environmental effects and restore the hair after potential damage. The products are gentle and formulated using only skin and hair-friendly certified raw materials. The hair growth stimulating peptides in the products help the hair stay viable, stronger and healthier for longer as they stimulate the activity of the hair follicles. Rich plant extracts help protect the hair and scalp from harmful environmental conditions and repair the damage caused by mechanical or chemical treatment. Viable hair follicles and strong and healthy hair in its entire length – this is where science meets nature!