Can gray hair be reversed?

Premature graying is generally defined as a change in hair color before the age of 30. Obviously, a young person would want to do everything possible to stop gray hair and maintain their hair color. What are the key elements that can lead to premature graying of hair? Is it possible to prevent or slow it down by taking nutritional supplements?

What causes premature graying of hair?
Hair color is given to our hair by melanocytes – these are small cells in out hair roots that produce melanin, or pigment. As we age, melanocytes become lazy and produce less melanin. And if there’s no melanin, our hair starts to turn gray, because only the color of keratin (the protein that makes up hair) is visible.

How to stop greying:

  1. Nutritional deficiency is one of the causes of early gray hair. One study found that deficiencies in some micronutrients, including ferritin, vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, and selenium, have been linked to premature graying. Correcting the balance of these vitamins and trace elements with the right supplements can help slow hair graying.
  2. External oxidative stress (caused by smoking, environmental pollution, UV radiation and many other factors) can also cause graying. In particular, smoking has been linked to premature graying.
  3. Acute and chronic anxiety and stress can contribute to premature graying of hair. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, exercise, certain medications, and supplements can help relieve emotional stress and reduce hair loss and premature graying.
  4. Genetics is a common cause of premature graying of hair, and race and ethnicity also play a role. Here, we Nordics have a strong advantage over Asians and dark-skinned people, they gray faster.
  5. Are there benefits to pulling out gray hair? No, definitely not. When plucking gray hair, you put stress on the hair follicle, which can also affect surrounding hair follicles. Such stress can actually cause make it worse.